Superstar Rajinikanth and the box office King Ajith have both decided to spend some quality time with their families at pretty much the same time. Rajini, taking a break from Shankar’s ‘2.0’ shooting has flown off to the US along with family to spend a few weeks and will only be back after the ‘Kabali’ release date is officially firmed up.
Thala Ajith meanwhile after exercising his vote has reportedly taken wife Shalini, daughter Anoskha and Kutty Thala for a tour and will be returning to kickstart ‘Thala 57’ directed by Siruthai Siva sometime in June.
Thala Ajith meanwhile after exercising his vote has reportedly taken wife Shalini, daughter Anoskha and Kutty Thala for a tour and will be returning to kickstart ‘Thala 57’ directed by Siruthai Siva sometime in June.
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