Uttama Villain audio launch was a star studded event. Kamal ensured the event was not in the usual format and spiced it up with many interesting elements. What less can we expect from a movie with Kamal, Nasser, Urvashi, Jayaram, Andreah, Parvathi, Pooja Kumar, director K Viswanath and late K Balachander? To see the list is itself so maginificent, how was it to shape it up as a movie for the director? He calls Uttama villain as UV, the movie. Read below to know what is Uttama Villain for Ramesh Arvind.
"I feel I have directed 2 films in one film. On one hand there's a 21st century tale of a reigning superstar, on other hand is a 8th century tale of a folk artist. One is a social drama about human relationships,other is a musical comedy in folk pattern. What connects the 2 threads is the common theme of both sectors - a universal truth about life ."
"Beyond the words on page, every good script has a soul . It's the director's job to understand that soul and bring it on screen in best way possible using all the talents of his team"
"The director is the first viewer of the film..He has to decide if the shot taken is the right one which deserves to be seen by the audience or a better take is needed"
"It was a huge responsibility.In a single shot there would be K.Balachander with 100 movies to his credit, K.Viswanath with 80 films under his belt, Urvasi with 500, Jayram with 400, Nasser with 300 and Kamal hassan with 200. So a single frame in Uttamvillain has 1500 films' experience behind it.! To direct such an army of talent was an honour and privilege."
"Kamalhassan is a director's delight. His belief in my abilities is heartening." I have admired Lingusamy as a director in films like 'Run'. Now I admire him as a producer too for allowing us the creative space to make the film exactly as we started out to." "My special thanks to Tamil and Kannada film industry for making me what I am."
"Gibran's music will be a cinematic experience of a new kind when you watch it with visuals of the film.Lyrics by SubbuArumugam, Viveka and Kamal hassan will be a treat for lovers of the language Tamil."
"We miss KB sir on this day.The first film of both Kamal Hassan and I were with him as the director and his last film was with us and me directing for first time in Tamil. It is strange how life works!The greatest tribute we can pay to KB sir is to make wonderful films like he did, to love cinema like he did, to nurture talent like he did. He is frozen in celluloid for ever talking ,walking and crying in UttamaVillain."
"I owe a ton of thanks to my extraordinary cast members and efficient technical crew. UttamaVillain is a film I will be proud of , lifelong."
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